Thursday, September 18, 2008

McCain/Greenberg Part Deaux

I would love to say more about this situation, but Mark Tucker I think has put it best thus far:

Also Rob Haggart and his blog of goodness have a great take it on it as well:

Both worth a read as the ripple effect of this could be huge on the photo industry.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jill Greenburg, let us know how you really feel.

Jill is apparently not afraid to voice her opinion. Likely to say this is the last time the Elephants allow her into the zoo to take pictures. I guess you can do whatever you like after Gwen Stefani pays you a cool mil to do her album cover (at least that is the legend). She is also famous for pics of monkeys and crying babies. Always the same light set up, whatever, 2 octobanks, a ringflash, and some edge lights tweaked in just right and it will look good. Amy Guip is way better and more creative, my opinion may be a bit biased.

Check out all of her McCain hatred on display:

Her site if you want to see her other work:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008