Tuesday, July 8, 2008

NYC Panoramics

I was just up in the city for 5 days shooting PSA's for the Ad Council and Arnold WW.  Spent 4th of July running around Lower Manhattan and watching the fireworks, I will put some images of that up later.  Anyway, I had the opportunity to shoot a panoramic of the Brooklyn Bridge in the afternoon of the 4th and also the shoot the rooftop view looking north from W 81st of the Upper West Side at sunset.  Thanks to Liz and Onur Tuncer for the roof access.  All shot with Canon 1 Ds Mk2 50mm lens and each pano is anywhere from 8-10 images stitched together, all handheld no tripod, using photomerge in PS CS3.  Works pretty well for web, would use something more sophisticated like Real Viz Stitcher for the print.  The Brooklyn Bridge shot is from the 2nd floor of Pier 17 at the foot of Fulton St. looking up the East Side and Brooklyn.

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